Kate Allan

The online diary of Kate Allan, author

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

You want camels...

No, I didn't ride a camel but I did see plenty of them; not only in the desert, also in the market.

Historically, indeed up until the 1970s when Oman's transport infrastructure began to be modernised with interior roads, camel trains were a vital for goods transport. The great trade routes between Europe and North Africa in the West and Indo-China in the East cross the Persian gulf and trade is still an important part of the culture.

Being just across the water from India it was no surprise to see the markets full of Indian silks, pashminas and carpets from Kashmir.* Made goods came from across the Arab world. Oman itself is famous for frankinsense, dates and silver.

*I bought one home. Well, actually DHL shipped it home.


  • At 8:53 am, Blogger Liz Fielding said…

    Slight double take there, Kate, until I traced the *. Thought you'd courier's a camel home!


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