Kate Allan

The online diary of Kate Allan, author

Thursday, April 06, 2006

At the Napoleonic Fair

In the interests of variety, I've also posted some of the pics over at UK Historical Romance blog, so if you want to see one with me with a redcoat, head there.

Anyhow, this is me (left) at the Napoleonic Fair last Sunday in my sprig day dress and sporting my brand new felt bonnet. I had a long conversation with the lady next to me about lady soldiers. We had a mutual interest: I co-authored a novel with a lady soldier, she is in a group of re-enactors who play the part of Spanish ladies who fought alongside the men in the Napoleonic wars. She explained about the costume research which was really interesting. The group is quite newly formed and don't yet have website or I would like to them. But I can still say, Good luck, ladies!

With me at the fair where three other authors who write romantic historical fiction: Fenella-Jane Miller, and pictured here on the right (L-R) Louise Allen and Melinda Hammond.

(Picture left) Here's me looking hopefully out at the start of the fair that someone might buy a book or two.

Now it may appear that the there is an unhealthy obessession among authors with actually selling books. Now, part of me if just happy to think that there are people bothering to read the story I slaved over. However, if I want to stay published, let alone build a career as an author, I need to sell to a reasonable level.

I had a nice chat with one man who bought a copy of Perfidy and Perfection. It's a present to his wife in Australia where he was heading back home to the following day.

I hope she enjoys the story.


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